Breastfeeding after the NICU can be very hard, but Reba Bertrand, whose preemie baby spent some time at the hospital figured out how to breastfeed right after the NICU. “When we gave her the Bare system she started to eat so much better she was losing less milk, was starting to nurse better and longer. I was Ecstatic!”
~Reba Bertrand
Breastfeeding in the NICU
“My daughter was born very early but she was good and healthy at 4 lbs. 10 oz. When she was born, she latched instantly and ate really good, but that tired her out. In two days she lost 10 oz.
I went to the hospital for high blood pressure and found out my baby needed to be removed immediately. She was struggling to breathe! I cried out to God and she instantly started breathing. They put her on tube feedings until she finally started waking up again. After this, we couldn’t get her to latch but we kept trying. I breastfed for 15 minutes then gave her a bottle, which I hated. I pumped into the little 2oz. bottles but she couldn’t even latch to those either. It would just spill out the side of her mouth and went 4 days gaining little to no weight.
I knew about Bare Air-free feeding system as I was a part of the first test trials. So we went to the closest Babies “R” Us that had them in store. I wanted to exclusively breastfeed and I knew Bare would help with that. When we first talked to nurses about using our own bottles they were not sure. They don’t have means to clean and sanitize them if I missed a feeding. I explained the issue that it was getting harder to get her to breastfeed using the hospital’s bottles. They said I had to be there for every feeding to use the Bare system. I didn’t mind I only got to hold her every 3 hrs. for 30 minutes, because she couldn’t be out of the heater too long.“
Bare® feeding while in the NICU
“When we gave her the Bare system she started to eat so much better she was losing less milk, was starting to nurse better and longer. I was Ecstatic! I was alone a lot and missing my two other kids at home that needed me, so every day she gained weight was a day closer to being home with them. After 4 days with Bare, she was back at birth weight and we only had to learn to heat her. She was in a heater to keep her warm and when she finally gained weight her next step was coming out of it so she had to maintain her body temp.
The nurses were impressed by Bare, the design of it, and how well she did with it. She was born so early that latching did not come naturally for her it was something she had to learn. They told me it was normal just be prepared she may not get it until her due date a month away but she did so much better with Bare that went home when she was 2 weeks and completely healthy. No more problems other than learning to eat and maintain her body temperature. After being home a week, we had her exclusively breastfeeding. If it wasn’t for the Bare Air-free system we could have been in hospital longer and still struggling to breastfeed.”
~ Reba Bertrand
Breastfeeding after the NICU
Reba was able to exclusively breastfeed her daughter after the NICU. Breastfeeding after the NICU can be very hard. Often babies get bottle-fed while hospitalized and that can permanently damage the breastfeeding relationship. Bare Air-free feeding system allows moms (and nurses) to supplement safely to continue or start breastfeeding after the NICU.
Bare Air-free feeding system continues to help moms supplement their feedings without damaging the breastfeeding relationship. In fact, Bare helps the baby develop the proper latch and suction needed to breastfeed while supplementing; so when mom is ready to breastfeed, the baby is ready for her. See how Bare Air-free helped a mom reinstating breastfeeding in just two days.