Bare Air-free baby bottles coming to a store near you
After six years of hard work and enormous personal sacrifice, Bare Air-free baby bottles are finally making it to stores. I almost feel like I went thru contractions, had the baby and celebrated a 6th year anniversary all at the same time.

Bare® Air-free by Bittylab wins the Gold at the 2015 Edison Awards
Mom inventor, Priska Diaz was elated when her Bare® feeding system won the Gold for Personal Care & Wellness category during The Edison Awards ceremony last night in New York City. “Receiving an Edison Award is an achievement that is recognized by a panel of experts that has seen it all and it takes a…
Peruvian mompreneur is profiled in Latina Magazine only four months after launch
For immediate release New York March 11, 2014. Eastchester, NY — Today the April issue of Latina Magazine hit the stands with Bittylab’s Peruvian CEO, Priska Diaz featured in an article about Latin women who built money making companies from home. Bittylab® launched Bare® Air-free Baby Bottles in August of 2013, closing off the year…

Peruana empresaria destacada en la revista “Latina”
El bebe de 3 meses de Priska Diaz sufría de cólicos de gases que se agravaban después de cada biberón. Diaz no pudo amamantar a su bebe debido a un bajo suministro de leche y su pediatra recomendó suplemento de fórmula, que no solo causó los cólicos sino también que su bebito empezó a rechazar…