“My son has HORRIBLE reflux, he spits up everywhere in massive amounts even on reflux medicine. Since using Bare® Air-free, there has been from little to no spit up!!!!”
~Jennifer H.
“I ordered the 8oz bottles a couple of months ago I think? My son has HORRIBLE reflux, he spits up everywhere in massive amounts even on reflux medicine. I was willing to try everything, and I did. I have every bottle out there. After getting Bare® Air-free [this bottle] after the first use we had very little spit-up. He takes 1 to daycare and uses the other at home. The daycare loves the bottle because they don’t have to change his clothes after every feeding. It gives me peace of mind for night feeds knowing he’s not going to spit up everywhere. Since using it there has been from little to no spit up!!!! I love these bottles they have helped my son so much!!”
~Jennifer H.