Breastfeeding Twins, Twinfeeder, breastfeeding, mom-blogger, and Instagram-sensation Jennifer Mancuso uses Bare® Air-free with her twins!
Head over to Instagram and wow yourself with her tandem feeding pictures!!!
~ @jennifer.mancuso
Breastfeeding twins
Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed a baby and provides health benefits for moms as well. Nowadays, your insurance coverage includes lactation consultant services. Most hospitals have adopted the “baby friendly” pledge where they promote breastfeeding. More and more institutions, corporations, and establishments support breastfeeding by offering parents adequately equipped areas. However, for some families, breastfeeding can be difficult. But, thanks to technological advancements, babies have the option to feed breastmilk or even substitutes like formula. Bare® Air-free with Perfe-latch® nipple helps babies initiate, reinstate, or extend breastfeeding. When feeding multiple babies at the same time, Bare® Air-free does an exceptional job at not interrupting the breastfeeding relationship like most baby bottles do. We celebrate and support moms that choose to breastfeed by offering the following unmatched benefits that promote uninterrupted breastfeeding:
Unmatched benefits that promote breastfeeding:
The Perfe-latch® nipple has a short tip that allows the baby to latch on the areola part of the nipple. Then, as the baby begins suction, the tip extends inside the baby’s mouth to reach the soft palate.
The syringe-inspired design promotes suction-based feeding. This system is designed to feed against gravity and while the baby is in vertical-upright position, with face tipped down a bit (see instructions). Therefore, Bare® needs to be held right side up, like an open cup.
Between the deep/wide latch needed to feed with the Perfe-latch® nipple, and the suction-based feeding (as opposed to gravity-based feeding), babies create a very similar exercise as with breastfeeding. In some cases, Bare® has helped train babies to create the proper latch and suction/swallow patterns to establish a successful breastfeeding relationship.
#BreastfeedingTwins #twinfeeder #breastfeeding #momblogger #Instagramsensation @Jennifer.Mancuso