Lip tie baby feeds with Bare® Air-free and helps to establish the breastfeeding relationship.
“I had a baby with a lip tie and the Bare bottles helped tremendously during the time between birth and clipping of the lip tie.”
~ Anastasia W., The Big Latch On organizer
Why did you choose Bare® Air-free?
In reviewing different types of bottles I felt the nipple design, ventless system, the suction-based design would be a wonderful option to try in supplementing a breastfed baby with a lip tie.
Did your babies have any kind of acid reflux/breastfeeding challenges due to the lip tie?
My son was born with a lip tie and feeding in between birth and cut of the tie was an extremely difficult time for this momma. I felt horrible that my new precious baby was having such problems with latch thus causing other issues in the form of reflux and indigestion.
Have you tried other bottles? what was the experience?
We tried 12 bottles and eventually used Bare® Air-free and Pura only. They are both a little bit more expensive than the ones at local stores but significantly cheaper when factoring in all aspects.
Did you find Bare® easy to use?
Once I learned the proper way to get the air out of the bottle the Bare® systems were extremely easy to use. I want to add they are wonderfully easy to clean also. remember, only press with the thumb. Every time.
Would you recommend Bare® to other moms?
Definitely and I have recommended it.
~ Anastasia Waldron, organizer of The Big Latch On event in Dyersburg, TN

Bare®Air-free feeds babies with lip tie:
Lip tie baby feeds with Bare® Air-free and helps to establish the breastfeeding relationship. While baby bottles typically cause nipple confusion, bottle preference, and abrupt disruption of breastfeeding, Bare® Air-free mimics breastfeeding mechanics so babies can learn to latch and breastfeed properly.
Bare® Air-free with Perfe-latch helps moms initiate, reinstate, and extend the breastfeeding relationship while supplementing. Between the deep, wide latch that’s needed to latch on the Perfe-latch nipple, the seal and suction the baby has to create to feed on the feeding system, and the flow and pace control technology, the baby is trained to perform a very similar exercise as with breastfeeding.