“A nipple my son actually wants to latch on to!. Bare® is the only bottle my breastfed baby will take and I’m so grateful for that!”
~Michelle O.
Best nipple for breastfed babies
Breastfed babies create a deep/wide latch onto the mom’s areola. After creating a perfect seal, suction extends the mother’s nipple up to three times inside the baby’s mouth to reach the soft palate. A baby will transfer milk by creating suction. Each individual baby creates his/her own feeding patterns of suction/swallow/breaks and pauses. Ordinary bottles constantly drip milk through a long and narrow nipple. This usually makes breastfed babies gag, choke, refuse feeding and cause “nipple confusion” due to improper latch.
The Perfe-latch nipple on a Bare® Air-free system is designed with a short tip that extends upon suction. Babies can create the same deep/wide breastfeeding-like latch onto the areola part of the nipple. Upon suction, the tip extends up to two times. The patented syringe-inspired design of the Bare® Air-free system dispenses milk upon suction only. These features allow the babies to feed in a vertical-upright position, with face tipped down and create his/her unique feeding patterns.

A nipple my son actually wants to latch on to
Thank you! On top of an awesome bottle, you have awesome customer service! Which is so hard to find! Even if it is an automatic message this makes me love your company even more! I won’t lie I struggled the first couple of times using the bottle, with spilling milk but quickly realized slow is the way to go when getting the air out. Your bottle is the only bottle my breastfed baby will take and I’m so grateful for that!
Can’t wait to tell other breastfeeding mommy’s about your product and great customer service! Keep up the great work! I will be ordering some more here soon. Again thank you for your amazing support/customer service and for making a bottle with a nipple my son actually wants to latch on to!
~Michelle Omilin