Pace feeding is not just for the breastfed baby. Isaac was bottle fed and feeding at his own pace helped him overcome fuss.
“As soon as I fed Isaac with it, he loved it. He was able to drink at his own pace and looked happily satisfied, calmed and comfortable”.
~ Maria Camacho, mom of five
Happily breastfeeding
The day that I gave birth to my son was the day my life changed in a good way. I am a mother of 5 children that I love and adored very much. The first couple days were very lovely, and everything was about us and no one else. My son was breastfeeding in the Hospital, and we didn’t have a problem.
We went home a few days later, and with four other children in the house, the noise and distraction were making breastfeeding a bit hard. We didn’t have that “peace-and-quiet time” that we had in the hospital and my baby boy Isaac didn’t want to latch. It got progressively worse, he was very frustrated and weaned himself. I want to give Isaac the best I could in life. I decided to pump exclusively, and the big question happened, “which bottles to use???”
Bottle feeding didn’t match his pace
I used several bottles, which caused issues like much spit-up when burping. He was very fussy and uneased. I used Gerber First Essential, but the nipple seemed to have gotten smaller and leaked after using the bottle warmer. My son’s clothes got wet, which made him very upset, followed by vomit. Then I tried Avent bottles. I could not go wrong because I used them with my other children. Got the slow flow nipple when he was around two months, but it was too long and made him gag and choke. I also tried Chicco Natural, but my baby took a long time to drink 4oz., got very tired, and would fall asleep in the middle of the feeding. I purchased the medium flow, but it didn’t make a difference. Finally, I came across a YouTube video that talked about a unique feeding system for babies.
The presenter highly recommended Bare Air-Free Feeding System. I contacted the company (Bittylab) and my call was answered immediately by an actual person, which was a surprise!, I was expecting a machine with a series of prompts and a long waiting time. Customer Service had eloquently answered all my questions, explained how it works and the benefits it offers for my baby Isaac. I contemplated one last time how my baby was struggling to get the last couple ounces from the Chicco bottle and couldn’t second-guess it anymore. The need for something that will help my son drink his milk and stop the spit ups was becoming urgent. I decided to give it a go and purchased Bare Air-free feeding system.
Pace feeding baby Isaac
When I first received them, I had some questions on the assembling and contacted customer service. Again! They answered right the way and willing to help me. They even video chatted with me, and they show me exactly how to put it together correctly. As soon as I fed Isaac with it, he loved it. He was able to drink at his own pace and looked happily satisfied, calmed and comfortable.
There are three features that I love about this system. The first one is that the baby doesn’t receive air in his feeding. Second, the nipple features flow-control and I don’t have to purchase other stages and try to figure out what stage do I need to buy.

Now, I have a calmed and happy baby, so if you ask me if I recommend the Bare feeding system? Yes, I highly recommend it for all babies.
~ By Maria Camacho, mom of five.