Latching on
the Perfe-latch® nipple
Supplementing breastfeeding may be necessary in some cases. Bare® Air-free makes the transition seamless without any confusion. It may take several tries before your baby gets accustomed to Perfe-latch® nipple, especially if your baby already uses other bottles. Remember, no two babies are alike; therefore, what worked for one may not work for another. Learning your baby’s way of feeding is the best way to solve his individual feeding issues. Try the following:
- Always follow assembly instructions
- After expelling air, leave the nipple wet with milk so s/he can taste the milk drop.
- Hold the bottle steady, as the baby needs to create suction on the nipple.
- Gently open the baby’s mouth by pulling down the bottom lip with the nipple, then feed
- if your baby still can’t latch, start with our new Easy-latch® nipple first for a few days. This will train the baby to learn (or relearn) to suck in order to feed. After a few days, introduce Perfe-latch®.
- See more tips and a video here “tips to introduce a bottle to an exclusively breastfed baby.”

Supplementing with formula

If you supplement with formula, it is recommended that you swirl to mix, instead of shaking. Some formulas can create bubbles if shaken. However, if you end up with bubbles inside the Bare® bottle, let it rest until the bubbles disappear before expelling the air with the Air-plug®. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.
Bare’s ergonomic design, which fits your baby’s little hands, in combination with the ability to feed in any position, results in the best recipe for successful self-feeding.
- Give baby the Bare® air-free bottle and place nipple in his/her mouth
- Do not leave baby alone with any feeding device
- Do not let baby play with bottle parts
- Never push Air-plug® while baby is feeding
- See more tips to get rid of GER and Gas symptoms

Reflux and gassy babies

If you have a baby with a sensitive stomach, or is gassy, or fussy when feeding or has been diagnosed with acid reflux/GERD, we recommend the following:
- Make sure you expel the air per instructions
- Sit your baby upright. Here is a post on newborn upright feeding
- Hold Bare® right side-up, with nipple higher than the base and in a way that is comfortable for your baby
- Do not overfeed baby
- After feeding, keep baby in the most upright position for about 20 minutes
- While in the same upright position, burp baby by gently patting baby on the back